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Blog How to turn Values into Action

How to turn Values into Action


As a former social work supervisor, I LOVED working with my students around how we can apply our ethics and principles in real time into our service delivery, team engagement and organizational culture.

I'm excited to offer 3 steps to help us translate our values into aligned actions.

STEP #1- Choose a value

Look this might be like a duh but I feel like this MIGHT be the most difficult thing in this whole values into action shabang.

I suspect that part of the challenge is:

  • Words are gorgeous—They allow us to connect and be understood whether it's verbal, written or with our hands. If you know more than one language, you have access into even more beautiful words. I imagine that this also feeds into the overwhelm of choosing the "right words" which leads to...
  • Perfectionism—Maybe you're worried about choosing the wrong value? Maybe there are values you've seen someone else use and you're like 🤩🤩🤩 "I want that one!". Maybe there are values you have inherited and you can't imagine parting with them now.

My offering: You are making the best choice you have now based on your understanding of self and based on what you want to move towards. You can always change your mind with new data and no matter how fantastic a value may be, there will probably still be some good and some less than ideal interpretations to any particular value. The goal here is really in practicing self-definition and visioning.

MINI-STEP: Reflect (these are meant to get those juices flowing)

  • What do you want to be known for?
  • What's one thing you would want to be different about the world? Is there a word to describe that one thing?
  • Is there a core value that has been true in your life?
  • How would people who known the real you describe you in a few works? Is there a way to make those descriptions more concise into a word or phrase?
  • Think about one of the pieces of you're social identity, what is a value that is important to that identity?

MINI-STEP: Find and feel (hola discernment!)

Need some help coming up for words beyond the ones that came up in the previous Mini-Step? Try this:

  • Search for "Core Values List" like THIS ONE
  • As you read each of the words, take a moment to feel. Does the word make you curious? Does the word make you barf? Does the work make you feel warm? Take note of which words make you feel the way you want to feel about your values.

NOTE: I can't tell you how many words feel like enough because it really depends. Some people like to start big (like 10 words) and then consolidate later, while others like to start with a few (like 3 words) and be open to adding more later if needed. Trust your judgement here and/or be open to the journey of exploration.


  1. In Values-Aligned Action (my 1-on-1 coaching program), my client wanted to deepen their anti-racist practice so we began defining the values and actions that would make up this practice.
  2. During a coaching call, I asked my client the reflection questions above (specifically those around the social identity-focused approach) and we workshopped a few values that resonated.
  3. For homework, my client decided to complete the Mini-Step: Find and feel where she came up with 76 words that she loved.
  4. In our next coaching call, we began to find themes in those words that resulted in 6 values.

STEP #2 - Define the value

Boom! Once you've got your value(s), I want you to define them.

MINI-STEP: Research and redefine (these values gotta feel true to youuuuu)

  • Check out how the internet defines this word
  • Identify what's missing (if anything) and give yourself permission to add to it


  • It increases your commitment—by defining, redefining and becoming more familiar with the in's and out's of this value helps us move from idea into action. Maybe your definition involved some action already? (kudos to you!)
  • You might realize another value fits better—during the defining phase, you might find that a few of the same values are like related cousins or like different petals on the same flower vs. a standalone concept. Something like this might move you to start removing some of those similar words and choosing which ones fit better for the vision you're looking to hold.


  1. Value= Rehumanize
    1. One definition of Rehumanize is to "restore human qualities"
    2. My client define Rehumanize as "One size fits all, fits no one well. While it may be easy to boil advice, business or anything down to a one single rule/method/approach that denies the beautiful variety that exists in human kind. In the best version of our society, each of us needs to be our full unique human selves. To this end I believe in tailoring systems and approaches to best suit you just as you are."

See the difference? See how the redefinition already hints at some actions?

STEP #3 - Apply to action

Here's where the rubber meets the road (or whatever that saying that is that says ITS. ABOUT. TO. GO. DOWN!)

MINI-STEP: Reflect (these are meant to get those juices flowing again)

  • What would the fullest realization of this value be?
  • If you had to make a decision, where would this value lead you?
  • What does this value look like in a few buckets of your life (work, relationships, community, etc.?)
  • What would alignment look like? How would you know you ARE living this value?
  • What would misalignment look like? How would you know you are NOT living this value?

BONUS: Action plan (since translating values to action isn't a one and done process, consider creating a plan)

  • When you fall off the alignment train (because it's likely to happen, no worries!), how can you compassionately recommit to your values? Or would your values need to shift with new data?
  • What steps can you take to stay in alignment? What activities or tasks would help you strengthen your values?


  1. Value= Rehumanize
    1. What would alignment look like?
      • Prioritizing growth + healing in the coaching relationship
      • Offering marketing, sales and offer ideas and then adjusting based on reaction
      • Fidelity to coaching agreement 
      • Responding to re-scheduling and timeline flexibility with grace and encouragement
      • Using a variety of accessibility strategies to deliver information
    2. What would misalignment look like? 
      • Making assumptions
      • Not prioritizing my human needs
      • Placing profit over people
    3. What is your action plan to maintain alignment?
      • Remembering that modeling is such a strong education tool
      • Growing awareness of different ways of being, learning and doing
      • Seek out understanding from different communities/professions in order to cross-pollinate and tailer coaching delivery

That's all I got for now! If you'd like to see how I've done this process personally for my life and business, come over to my Values section on my website.


  • HAVE QUESTIONS? Comment below!
  • GOT A-HA MOMENT? Feel free to share below and help someone else out!
  • OFFERING SUGGESTIONS? I'm open to ideas for how I could help you do this in your leadership. Maybe it's a course, template or class? Let me know!

📌 NOTE: These comments will be public so folx can engage with each other. I hope this kicks off fruitful conversation for all of us📌


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The content of these emails range from short pep talks, long rants, timely reminders, love letters for the collective, and invitations to work with me deeper.

I love sending these emails and people seem to like 'em too. . .

🗣️ "This is so inclusive it makes my heart swell, Petra!! I feel so welcomed into your space, and I really admire how intentional you are about identifying who you are making space for, and why. Actually feeling a bit teary, I’m so moved!"

🗣️"I open your emails because I enjoy your perspective and writer's voice.  I like your memes, gifs and formatting. Your content is affirming and reinforcing.  I can't get enough of liberatory discussion and being connected to folx doing the work."

🗣️"I subscribe to far more email lists than I have time to read. But when I open your messages, it's because I love your energy and your mission. We share the goal of wanting to participate in collective liberation, and the words you use to describe your work help me shape changes I want to make in my own business & practices."

🗣️"I read your emails because your content, mission, and vision are both important and special. Seeing your content in general reminds me of so many things that I forget to do or think about in my day to day walk and it’s very refreshing. "

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